List of Talks
Jan, 2025: Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie, Uni Münster. "Short closed gedesics and the Willmore Energy"
Oct, 2024: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Freiburg. "Short closed geodesics and the Willmore Energy"
Jul, 2024: Faszination Mathematik und Physik, Augsburg. "Elastische Biegung - Von Euler bis zur Gegenwart.
Jul, 2023: n-Cities Seminar, Uni Halle. "The biharmonic Alt-Caffarelli problem"
Jul, 2023: Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie, Uni Augsburg. "Short closed geodesics and the Willmore energy"
Mar, 2023: Geometrietag Leipzig. "The Willmore Flow of Tori of Revolution"
Jan, 2023: Freiburg-Heidelberg-Stuttgart-Tübingen Meeting on Geometry and Analysis. "Embeddedness-breaking of elastic flows".
Dec, 2022: Jeunes en Geometrie et Analyse, Mulhouse. "Elliptic PDEs with surface measures".
Nov, 2022: Research Seminar Analysis, Uni Chemnitz. "Embeddedness-breaking of elastic flows".
Nov, 2022: Oberseminar, Uni Leipzig "Elliptic equations with surface measures".
Sep, 2022: Horizons in Nonlinear PDEs, Ulm. "Elliptic equations involving surface measures".
Aug, 2022. Surfaces 22, Interdisciplinary Summer School, Frauenwörth. Speed talk "The biharmonic Alt-Caffarelli Problem"
Aug, 2022: Oberseminar Analysis, Universität Ulm. "Elliptic equations involving surface measures"
Apr, 2022: 5th Geometric Analysis Festival, Section: higher order variational problems in geometry. "An obstacle problem for the p-elastic energy".
Mar 16, 2022: SIAM Conference on Analysis of PDE, Section <Curvature energies>. "Curvature minimization with perpendicular free boundary".
Feb 08, 2022: Geometric analysis seminar, OVGU Magdeburg. "An obstacle problem for the p-elastic energy".
Jan 28, 2022: TiTech analysis seminar, Tokyo Institute of Technology. "The Poisson equation involving surface measures".
Dec 02, 2021: Geometric PDEs in Freiburg (60th anniversary of Ernst Kuwert). "Curvature minimization with perpendicular free boundary"
Nov 16, 2021: Oberseminar Angewandte Mathematik, Uni Freiburg: "An obstacle problem for the p-elastic energy"
Oct 13, 2021: Probability, Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics Seminar, Texas Tech University. "Embeddedness-Breaking of elastic flows"
Sep, 2021: Talk at DMV-Tagung, Passau (online). "Embeddedness-Breaking of elastic flows"
Jul 8, 2021: Applied Analysis Seminar, University of Heidelberg. "The biharmonic Alt-Caffarelli Problem"
Dec 1, 2020: Online Seminar Geometric Analysis. "The Willmore Flow of Tori of Revolution" (Youtube video available: here)
Nov 25, 2019: Winter School 'Gradient Flows and Variational Methods in PDE's', Ulm University, "On Gradient Flows with Obstacles"
Jul 30, 2019: TULKKA-Treffen, KIT Karlsruhe, "The biharmonic Alt-Caffarelli Problem".
Dec 13, 2018: Weekly Seminar, EDDY Research Training Group, RWTH Aachen, "On Gradient Flows with Obstacles and Euler's Elastica".