Published Articles
E. Kuwert, M. Müller. Curvature Varifolds with orthogonal boundary (2024), accepted for publication in J. London Math. Soc.
A. Dall'Acqua, M. Müller, S. Okabe, K. Yoshizawa. An obstacle problem for the p-elastic energy (2024), accepted for publication in Calc. Var. PDE
H. C. Grunau, M. Müller. A biharmonic analogue of the Alt-Caffarelli problem (2024) Mathematische Annalen
M. Müller. On elliptic equations involving surface measures (2023, accepted for publication in Annali SNS)
A. Dall'Acqua, M. Müller, R. Schätzle, A. Spener. The Willmore flow of tori of revolution. (2023, accepted for publication in Analysis&PDE)
M. Müller. Polyharmonic equations involving surface measures (2022, accepted for publication in Interfaces Free Bound.)
T. Miura, M. Müller, F. Rupp. Optimal thresholds for preserving embeddedness of elastic flows (2023, accepted for publication in Amer. J. Math.)
M. Müller. The biharmonic Alt-Caffarelli problem in 2-D. (2022). Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata.
M. Müller. The Poisson equation involving surface measures. Comm. PDE (2022). Erratum (2023)
M. Müller, F. Rupp. A Li-Yau inequality for the one-dimensional Willmore energy Adv. Calc. Var (2021)
M. Müller. The elastic flow with obstacles: small obstacle results. Applied Mathematics and Optimization (2021)
M. Müller, A. Spener. On the convergence of the elastic flow in the hyperbolic plane. Vol. 5 of Geometric Flows.(2020)
M. Müller. On gradient flows with obstacles and Euler's elastica. Vol. 192 of Nonlinear Anal. (2019)
M. Müller. An obstacle problem for elastic curves: Existence results. Vol 21 of Interfaces Free Bound. (2019)
M. Müller, F. Rupp, C. Scharrer. Short closed geodesics and the Willmore energy (2023)
M. Müller, K. Yoshizawa. Classification and stability of penalized pinned elasticae (2024)